Monday, October 09, 2006

Real Taste of Japan

Japanese foodTraditional Japanese food uses ingredients available during the season.
Breakfast might consist of miso soup, gohan (rice), nori (dried seaweed), pickles, and green tea.
Lunch is usually simple and consists of noodles (udon or soba).
Dinner might consist of rice, a main dish of fish or meat, a side dish of vegetables, miso soup, and pickled vegetables.

Japanese usually use chopsticks to eat.

Japanese cuisine offers a great variety of dishes and regional specialties. Some of the most popular Japanese and Japanized dishes are listed below.

We have categorized them into rice dishes, seafood dishes, noodle dishes, nabe dishes, soya bean dishes, yoshoku dishes and other dishes. Please note that some dishes may fit into multiple categories, but are listed only once.

Most Japan restaurants show what they serve by displaying plastic food. The plastic food is quite expensive and very realistic.

Before eating the meal, the Japanese say "Itadakimasu" which is a polite phrase meaning "I receive this food." This expresses thanks to the person who prepared the food.
At the end of the meal, the Japanese say "Gochiso-sama" which is a polite expression to give thanks for the delicious meal.

Traditional Japanese meals are often eaten on a tatami around a low table.
If you would like to go to Japan please reserve Japan hotel in advance.

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